As we creep closer to Halloween, I'm seeing more and more thrillers and crime fiction recommendations.
I recently read The Wives, the first of Tarryn Fisher's novels I've delved in to (thanks to HQ Stories and NetGalley for my ARC). All the expected elements were there...Suspense? Check. Anxiety? Check...Starting one more chapter and then staying up till the wee hours because I needed to know what on earth was going on? Check.
I hate spoilers so am not about to do that to you but my review goes like this....
Imagine only seeing your husband one night a week? Imagine not knowing him or his life outside of this one night. This is the unconventional situation our main character Thursday comes to find herself in (yes her name is Thursday). She is one of three wives.
Now to be completely honest, I thought at first she was an almost quite placid character with something of a Stepford / 50s housewife edge but stick with it because boy what a misapprehension!! This is a book about polygamy (ok yes title gave that away but still), mental wellbeing, deception and much more in a quite unexpected way. As we follow the story our grasp of events twists time and time again until we reach a point where we wonder just what is going on. Just how much would you fight for more time with the one you love? To become his number one? The favoured wife... You're going to have to read it yourself to find out what happens but overall I felt this was a good read and did what it said on the tin in terms of being a psychological thriller. It only lost a few points in my eyes as the ending felt a little abrupt but don't let that put you off. I just mean I could have done with a bit more in terms of what happened next in those last few chapters. Having devoured this novel in one sitting, I can definitely attest to The Wives being a page turner that's worth a read!! This is edgy stuff and a very dark have been warned.