"Talking of days, what day is it? I literally have no idea. Not that it matters" This is the third of Dawn O'Porter's books that I've read, and I absolutely loved every 'WHAT IS HAPPENING' moment of it. From reading just the introduction, I already got the feeling that there was a successful capture of the 'vibe' of 2020, articulated flawlessly, and with at times a dry sarcasm and wit that feels familiar and comforting. She'll also make you want a kaftan. I'm sure many people will be able to relate to this book in many many different ways, but I think it stands as a perfect testament to the importance of not being afraid to share and express what you are feeling. Reading it feels like you are just chatting to a new friend really, the pieces are intimate and at times very raw with so many hilarious moments! But you will laugh out loud in one piece and be deeply moved to tears at others. This may be an insight in to Dawn's life but she will have you nodding along at one thought or other. Moving, funny and real it doesn't try too hard, it doesn't try and plaster everything with a happy brush and I loved that about it. Unafraid to comment on life and the world exactly as it is. One of Dawn's final thoughts in the epilogue expresses such a beautiful sentiment of gratitude for her life that you can't help but feel she is reminding everyone that there is always light even amidst the seemingly darkest of days. "When the world goes mad, you either go mad with it, or focus on the things that are OK". You go Dawn thank you for writing this and feel SMUG AS HELL, cos you've done it again :) Thank you to Harper Collins and Netgalley for my ARC.
REVIEW: Life in Pieces, by Dawn O'Porter
Updated: Apr 4, 2021